Month: September 2020

Music questions for all the readers and writers out there…
Music questions for all the readers and writers out there…
September 27th, 2020

Do you associate certain songs with a specific book or character? While reading, were you ever listening to a song that has now come to represent that book? If you were writing, do you let music guide you through the chapters? The answer to all of those, for me, is yes. I have a playlist […]

History lover- What a ride (and NOT in a carpentum!)
History lover- What a ride (and NOT in a carpentum!)
September 20th, 2020

Writer or not, anyone ever have that time or moment in history that you just can’t get out of your head? For me, that’s what the Roman Empire and Roman Britain have been for about 10 years now. When I first saw the 2011 film, The Eagle, (based on Rosemary Sutcliff’s novel The Eagle of […]